Monday, February 29, 2016

Online Reputation

I would like to introduce today my new friend Jared Carlson and tell you a little bit about him. The first thing you should know is that Jared probably has no idea that I exist. All of the information that I know about my new pal is what I have learned from the internet. Okay, okay before you get to creeped out by me you should know that Jared does know that someone in our class will be researching and writing about him, but he doesn’t know that that someone is me.

It is mind blowing to me to think that there is so much information about each of us that is easily accessible on the internet. All that aside, I am going to tell you about Jared Carlson by describing three trends that I found for his life.

Profile Picture Posted by Jared Carlson
Jared is from Cache Valley and attended Skyview High School. After graduation he attended BYU-I before making the obviously correct decision to transfer to Utah State University. It appeared to me that he is studying Neuroscience and working on his bachelor’s degree. He currently works as a CNA for Autumn Care Assisted Living in Hyde Park, Utah. Jared has made is whole work and education profile available at It was obvious to me that Jared is a hard worker and that his education is very important to him. He has worked in many different positions at various companies, but has always continued his education. His work ethic is commendable.

Jared has worked several jobs of all kinds, but he does also make time for fun. He is married to his beautiful wife Michelle who is from New York. She also studied and graduated from Utah State University. They have been together for several years now.  Jared is a very talented soccer player and for the 2013 season he played for the USU men’s soccer team. To find out a little more about this team checkout Below I have included a picture of him playing in a game for Utah State. He and his wife also enjoy traveling and mountain biking.

  Photo posted on Facebook by USU men’s soccer
I was very impressed by the support Jared shows for his church group. He is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. His Facebook profile was filled with church related pages and music, and I was also able to find record of him as a member of a specific group at It was obvious that his religion means a lot to him and that he takes an active role in living it.

I really enjoyed learning so much about Jared Carlson, although at times I was kind of freaked out about how much information I could really find on him. Jared had nothing on any of his profiles, or other links that he should be concerned about. He seems to be a hard working determined individual whom I am excited to get to know better, but maybe in person this time.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Legal, Policies, and Ethics

Do you read privacy policies? I know I sure don’t. There are way too many small printed words that I don’t think I have time to read. I now am starting to think that maybe, privacy policies are something that I should be making time for. I have heard over and over again that Snapchat has released a new “scary” privacy policy or threats that those pictures or snaps I am sending on a daily basis are not actually deleted after 10 seconds. I have finally heard enough and decided to check it out for myself.
As of October 28, 2015 in order to continue to use or sign up for Snapchat, users are required to agree to the terms and conditions of their new privacy policy. The full policy can be found at

This policy claims that there are 3 ways that Snapchat will collect information from its users. These include:
Information you choose to give us.
Information we get automatically when you use our services.
Information we get from third parties.

The policy then goes on to explain exactly what is meant by these three areas. I don’t want to pick apart the entire policy, because let’s be honest, that would be boring. Although I would like to make people aware of a few things that startled me. According to, the terms of service state, “You grant Snapchat a world-wide, perpetual, royalty-free, sublicensable, and transferable license to host, store, use, display, reproduce, modify, adapt, edit, publish, create derivative works from, publicly perform, broadcast, distribute, syndicate, promote, exhibit, and publicly display that content in any form and in any and all media or distribution methods.” This means that after you agree to these terms, you give Snapchat the right to use your information, pictures and videos however they see fit. This can include selling this type of information to third party advertisers. The link I have sited also states that Snapchat gives more details as to what exactly is meant by this statement, but it isn’t obvious and requires some effort to find. claims, “Data gathering on users is a common practice for social networks — Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook all have similar condition for what you publicly share on their networks. “ It was really eye opening to me to read this statement and do some investigating for myself. As for me personally, I am going to continue to use these social media sites. I understand the sacrifices I am making by agreeing to their terms and conditions, but I feel that it is important for each user to explore and make the decision for themselves. Just like anything on the internet, once something is posted it is gone forever. So be aware of what you are posting and the ramifications that it could have in the future.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Collaborative and Distance Communication Platforms

I am just going to be honest, the fact that we can communicate with other people that aren’t anywhere around us with the use of a little device is amazing to me. That may seem so trivial and like duh, of course we can do that, but to me it’s incredible. I really don’t understand exactly how it all works, but I am really glad that it does. In this post I want to focus on one form of distance education that I think takes it to a whole new level, Skype.

Skype is owned by Microsoft and I figured what better way to define it than through its own personal site:

Skype is communication app that allows people to have practically face to face communication over video chat. Text messages and audio I files can also be sent over Skype, but it is most popular for video chat. Now not only can we communicate back and forth from any corner of the world, we can actually see each other while we are doing it.

This site brings up another great feature of Skype, which is that it is free. It is one of very few sites that people can talk to each other from across the world for free. Long distance calls, or even the old school way of letters and packages can be very time consuming. These ways are more expensive and you also don’t have the privilege of actually looking at the person you want to communicate with. My friends and I have always joked that if one of our friends can’t make it to something we would just “Skype them in”. We were always referring to dances or parties, and we were always joking around, but it is pretty incredible that we actually could if we wanted to or actually need to. Skype is awesome for keeping in contact with friends and family, but can it be used for serious things?

This blog discusses the benefits of using Skype for business. Some of the benefits include spending less money on international conference calls and saving money on business trips that you won't actually have to go on. Skype is really just another incredible app that makes our world a little smaller.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Location Based Platforms

I work in marketing for a company out of Providence, Utah. We sell hair removal products from our website, and are in the process of expanding onto other great shopping sites such as Amazon and Zulily. Almost all of our website traction is based off of Ad campaigns we are running through Facebook, and we have had huge success with this, but as I am learning and exploring more and more into the world of social media and internet marketing, I have quickly learned something: Google owns it ALL. In order to be successful it appears to me that Google in some way or another must be involved, because it’s everyone’s go too. Today I want to talk about an important aspect of social media marketing associated with Google in Google Reviews. In a blog article posted on three benefits of Google Reviews was listed. They included:




All three of these benefits could push a small business, like the one I work for, to a whole new level. As the first benefit states it also provides consumers, whether purchasing from a small startup or a large corporations such as Nike, to be more aware of the company and feel more confident in them. Google Reviews can be left by anyone who wants to share their opinions on a specific product or service. Specific instructions for writing and posting a Google Review can be found by checking out

I have found that the older I get, the less I like to shop. Let me rephrase that, the older I get the less I like to actually go to stores to shop. It is much simpler for me to hop online, Google whatever I am looking for and have it shipped to my house in 3-5 days. As for me, I read the reviews. Most websites have some sort or review section located on their site. These include personal stories or even just star ratings 1-5. Google has taken this concept and simplified it for us all. I have been on both sides of these types of reviews, the producer and the consumer. Google Reviews are powerful, because they are from real people just like me and you. They are actual people sharing actual experiences with products or services. We received our first Facebook review on our products this last week; this is very similar to a Google review, just specific to Facebook. It was a positive comment with a high rating and this made a huge difference for us. Now when people have questions or concerns we can tell them to check out our recent review and see what an actual customer has to say about us. Our goal as a company is to help our customers and provide them with the best product and service possible. It makes all the difference when a happy customer takes a minute to express this through a Google Review for investigators to see.