Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Social Media Change

I work in the marketing department for a small company in Providence, Utah. As of right now our major source of marketing is Facebook. Within a matter of moments I can reach thousands of people by posting a simple image or video. No longer are we dependent on who-knows-who and passing out flyers. In an article published on http://www.newtimes.co.rw/section/article/2015-05-02/188395/, I quote “The need for fewer sentences has pushed for many short forms that we find ourselves using in our daily communication…” and then it goes on to list some of these shortened terms that most of us see and use daily. I find it a challenge every day to try and portray our brand in as few as words as possible. I know that with how social media has changed the way we look at things, I have a matter of seconds to show someone who we are and what we represent. In 2014 the article http://www.socialnomics.net/2014/07/28/25-years-of-the-internet-how-it-has-changed-the-way-we-interact/ was published and produced some facts that were incredible to me. The author stated that as of 2014 there are more than 500 million tweets that are sent out every day. A tweet allows a person 14o characters to share whatever is on their mind. In a matter of seconds anyone in the world can know exactly what you’re thinking, but no one is going to read a long winded novel about your day. That is why social media has changed the way we communicate with each other. Not only can we do most of our communicating with others behind a screen, we are limited to how much we can say, so we use basically a different language. Not only can everyone know what we are thinking, but this change in social media actually allows us to think less. When looking for articles and other sources to support my ideas on this topic, I asked google. Almost instantly I was shown hundreds of thousands of examples, and all I did was type in the simple question. It’s effortless. In the United States and in many countries across the globe, we are all about how quickly we can get something done, or move on to the next thing. Fast food restaurants help us to order and have our food in less than five minutes. TiVo allows us to record our favorite shows, and watch them much quicker without all of the commercials. Social media allows us to ask a question or make a statement and receive immediate response. This change has taken place in many aspects of each of our lives. We now see the world of communication, food, marketing, and many other entities in a new light, and this “light” comes about instantaneously. 

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