Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Class Cloud

Our class on the cloud time that we as a class took part in two weeks ago was definitely the most unique class experience I have ever had. For those of you reading this that were not part of the class, I’ll explain the situation a little more. Before class we were asked to tweet two things, one was a question to anyone in the world by tagging someone or just leaving it up to our followers. The second thing was we had to tweet at someone else like a celebrity or athlete. Here are the two tweets that I initially shared: 

This initial question has been on my mind a lot lately, as I have talked about in the past, I work in social media marketing and I really wanted to know. The second tweet I tweeted at Tim Tebow about his incredible fundraiser he recently put on. I am a huge Tim Tebow fan, and I think that this would be an incredible night to be a part of.  Although neither of my questions we answered I learned several things.

During class we tweeted back and forth with each other in the class and even those outside our classroom joined in. There were two situations that occurred during this experience that I thought were just mind blowing. The first was that there was a girl missing from our class because she was out of town. Although she was not present in the class room she joined in for the tweeting discussions. This really got me thinking. How incredible is that, that she could be hundreds of miles from our classroom and still participate in the experience. I know that broadcasted classes are becoming part of the norm, and making the education world so much smaller, but I had never thought about it being expanded over social media.

The second situation that was really eye opening for me was when Sam Askerland tweeted at Al Fox and she tweeted back. Sam asked her a question about her speaking formats and within a few minutes Al had given her a response. I also tweeted at Al which you can see below, but did not receive an answer. Social media, and twitter specifically has completely changed communication. I thought it was very fitting for Al Fox to have responded, and gotten involved with our class discussion, as she has gained much of her fame over social media platforms. I really would like to someday be able to ask her or another person that has used social media platforms to be influential my question. Social media at times limits the word count we can share, but the crowd count is innumerable. I really enjoyed being part of our Class on the Cloud day. 

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