Monday, April 4, 2016

Search Engine Optimization

Have you ever heard of infographics? Well I’ll make it easy for you. Infographics make complicated information easier to understand. A more complete definition and an awesome example of what an infographic is, demonstrated in an infographic, can be found at I became interested in infographics about two years ago, when my Dad began creating his own company. He created a site that provided in depth information for people, and their families that are suffering from cancer. Most common people do not understand medical terminology, so when he created a site to help people with medical help, he decided that infographics would be the best way to help inform people. He could explain complicated ideas as simple images that people could relate to. Not only were the easier to understand, they were more appealing and entertaining than dreary medical jargon. is a link to a short three minute video that breaks down what exactly an infographic is and how they are constructed. Infographics usually include cartoon images that help portray more complicated statistics or ideas. I find them to be very informative, because I am more of a visual learner. Infographics most often help to paint a picture of the larger concepts the author or illustrator wants to portray. They are not only beneficial for the consumers or learners. Infographics were very successful for my Dad and his company, as well as companies all across the world. includes nine reasons why infographics should be included in every marketing strategy. I want to focus on two things that were listed: “increase traffic” and “brand awareness.” In regards to infographics, I think these play hand in hand. They are much more appealing to the consumer eye than just words pasted on a page. Infographics capture your audience’s attention, so that you can easily and creatively inform them of who you are as a company, brand awareness. Although for some companies the numbers will prove who and what they do, nobody wants to read a list of statistics or stare at a graph they will most likely never understand. Infographics are not just to spice up numbers and statistics. When used correctly and effectively, infographics open up the world to a whole new form of marketing: good lookin’ facts.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked the videos that you posted, they were both informational and engaging. I also think you did a great job at breaking things down and making them sound simpler. Overall great job!
