Monday, April 18, 2016

Stand-alone Mobile Apps versus Internet Browser Apps

Have you ever used a QR code? Well they seem to be quickly taking over many industries, and actually simplifying our lives in several different ways. According to, QR code stands for a Quick Response Code and is actually a two dimensional barcode of sorts. It is made up of a variation of different sized black squares that create a unique symbol that is specific to that barcode. An example of a QR Code would look something like this

For me QR codes became important about 8 months ago. The company I work for sells hair removal products, that require a specific set of instructions. As of right now we have listed these instructions on the jars, cards and on our website. Although, on the first two places there is very limited space to write, and too often people don’t have the time to go to our website and look up the exact directions. Our solution: a QR Code! We have now simply added the code to the outside label of the jar as well as to the card that comes with all of our products. All our customers now have to do is hold a phone camera up to the code to scan the code with an app such QR Code Scanner or Reader, and tahhdahh the instructions are easily accessible. All of these new labels will be applied to our products soon and hopefully we can see our customers have much more success! is a great resource for more information on QR codes. According to them, these codes were originally created to track part numbers for large corporations such many big names in the car industry. After years and a few modifications, they can now be used by anyone at anytime. Pretty incredible how technology spreads. Although this new way of quickly accessing information seems perfect, and exactly what we need, there have been several reviews about how frustrating they can be to use( I am sure that there are bumps and it is not quite as user friendly as we would like, but I believe that these QR codes can be so beneficial to us as consumers and for the manufacturers. I hope that there will be more of a focus on perfecting these codes in the near future.


  1. What a great post, I love that you had a real experience using these codes because honestly I didn't even know what they were before. Good luck with your companies success!

  2. I couldn't agree with you more that the QR codes could be really beneficial to us as consumers. To be able to quickly scan a barcode and be directed to an instruction guide or details about a product would be amazing! Again, I agree that they are currently not user friendly. I don't think they will be until the main phone companies create an easy efficient way to read the code without hassle. Right now I have to go and download an app then find the app in order scan a QR code. I think they should add a feature inside of the main camera application were you can simply select QR in the app and once the QR code is scanned it directs you to the correct place. It would make things a lot easier and more efficient.

  3. Great job informing your readers about what exactly a QR code is, and the pro's and con's. I liked that you shared your personal experience with QR codes, it really added to your credibility. Nice work!

  4. Awesome post! I had always been curious about how QR codes work exactly. Your post made it very clear for me so thank you!
