Monday, February 8, 2016

Location Based Platforms

I work in marketing for a company out of Providence, Utah. We sell hair removal products from our website, and are in the process of expanding onto other great shopping sites such as Amazon and Zulily. Almost all of our website traction is based off of Ad campaigns we are running through Facebook, and we have had huge success with this, but as I am learning and exploring more and more into the world of social media and internet marketing, I have quickly learned something: Google owns it ALL. In order to be successful it appears to me that Google in some way or another must be involved, because it’s everyone’s go too. Today I want to talk about an important aspect of social media marketing associated with Google in Google Reviews. In a blog article posted on three benefits of Google Reviews was listed. They included:




All three of these benefits could push a small business, like the one I work for, to a whole new level. As the first benefit states it also provides consumers, whether purchasing from a small startup or a large corporations such as Nike, to be more aware of the company and feel more confident in them. Google Reviews can be left by anyone who wants to share their opinions on a specific product or service. Specific instructions for writing and posting a Google Review can be found by checking out

I have found that the older I get, the less I like to shop. Let me rephrase that, the older I get the less I like to actually go to stores to shop. It is much simpler for me to hop online, Google whatever I am looking for and have it shipped to my house in 3-5 days. As for me, I read the reviews. Most websites have some sort or review section located on their site. These include personal stories or even just star ratings 1-5. Google has taken this concept and simplified it for us all. I have been on both sides of these types of reviews, the producer and the consumer. Google Reviews are powerful, because they are from real people just like me and you. They are actual people sharing actual experiences with products or services. We received our first Facebook review on our products this last week; this is very similar to a Google review, just specific to Facebook. It was a positive comment with a high rating and this made a huge difference for us. Now when people have questions or concerns we can tell them to check out our recent review and see what an actual customer has to say about us. Our goal as a company is to help our customers and provide them with the best product and service possible. It makes all the difference when a happy customer takes a minute to express this through a Google Review for investigators to see.


  1. You brought up a lot of things that I never really thought about before, usually when I online shop I read reviews, see how people have liked the product and you're right, it does sway my decisions. There can be 5 great comments about the product, and one bad one and sometimes I choose to only listen to the bad. I didn't realize how big of an affect just these reviews can have on a small business.

  2. Ashton, I really enjoyed reading your blog post about how your company has been trying to expand. I think utilizing any sort of review system to gain new customers is a great way to do so. I as well as Shaylen always want to read reviews of a product or service before buy it online. However, I can see how bad reviews could seriously hurt your business. Its a gamble using reviews, but in the long run I think it will pay off! Great post!

  3. Really good blog post, it was very interesting. I have a buddy who is a manager at a bowling alley and he is constantly checking the google reviews. Now after reading this I understand more of why he does that.

  4. Great post. I agree that Google is a great tool in online marketing. I wonder if Facebook or Google is more effective for online marketing though. I'm definitely team Google though
